Money Coaching for Visionary Women

Helping you so that you can help the world (or, you know, just sleep better at night!).

Hey lady.

I’m pretty sure you’re awesome, and that you are doing really cool things with your life. Learning important skills, caring for your babies, doing good in the world. But sometimes you wonder if you are getting anywhere on your capital B Big goals. Maybe you lay awake wondering if you’re going to have the money for your dream house (er, farm) / artistic project/ retirement / supporting your kids entrepreneurial adventures / retrofitting that bus / finally starting that business.

Many women feel like they must have missed the school day when money skills were taught.

But you didn’t. There wasn’t a day. And even if there was, we need way more than a day to really unpack our relationships with money, let alone how to manage the flow of it in our lives.

We get thrown out into the world to figure it out on our own. The credit card companies and the 1% are not really that interested in helping us little gals learn about personal finance because it’s one of the many ways they maintain their power over us.

So many incredible, impactful women come to me and say they feel total incompetent when it comes to their money. They often carry shame, fear, confusion and stress in their money stories. Many are struggling with this lack of financial literacy, are carrying debt, overspending, undersaving, and feeling trapped in the paycheck to paycheck cycle.

Well no more! I’m here to help women like you kick some serious ass, create a budget, make money goals and plans, overcome old money stories, and find new clarity in your life so that your energy can get freed up to do more important stuff like take over the world. Keep reading to learn about working with me.

Why I Coach Using YNAB

I have personally been using YNAB since 2014, and it has LIT-erally changed my life. YNAB is an awesome way to change how you think about money and get organized with your finances. It's not just some boring system, it's a mindset shift that brings you closer to your money and helps you make better choices about how you spend it. It is the gentle mindfulness approach to personal finance, and most of the major pillars get covered naturally in our YNAB work.

Never heard of YNAB? No worries! You gotta check out their method - it's a game-changer!

As your money coach, I'm here to guide you through setting up your budget, show you all the cool features of the software, and help you make those mindset shifts that will totally transform your money game. And whether you're a newbie or already a YNAB pro, I've got your back and can support you with whatever you need.

Money Coaching with Margo

Money Coaching with Margo

Money coaching is the secret fast track to financial empowerment and success. You could totally learn and do all of this on your own. But every amazing player has a coach, because it supercharges your learning and execution.

Benefits of Money Coaching

  • Gain clarity: Kiss confusion goodbye and conquer your financial situation. We'll shine a spotlight on where your money is going, leaving no room for guesswork or doubt.

  • Build confidence: Find newfound financial confidence through consistent action and skill building

  • Take the reins: It's time to grab the reins and take charge of your finances. We'll create a customized budgeting system that empowers you to make intentional choices, putting you firmly in control of your financial destiny.

Role of a Money Coach

As your ultimate money cheerleader, I'll be by your side throughout your journey:

  • Guidance: Get ready for some fierce guidance tailored to your unique circumstances. We'll tackle your money mindset, slay those limiting beliefs, and equip you with savvy strategies and tools to dominate your financial game.

  • Mentorship: Consider me your financial fairy godmother, granting you insider insights, tips, and resources to navigate any money challenge like a pro. Together, we'll transform you into a financial superstar.

  • Support: You won't walk this path alone, darling. I'll be there to celebrate your money wins, offer a boost of confidence during setbacks, and provide unwavering support whenever you need it. Reach out to me day or night—I'm here to make sure you shine!

Connecting to Your Dreams

Money coaching isn't just about dollars and cents—it's about living your best life.

With money coaching you can gain the resources and freedom to pursue your wildest dreams. Picture yourself taking that family trip, starting that amazing business, creating your art, building a legacy, or retiring knowing you have enough cash.

I want you to reclaim your power, and live a life of abundance.

Hey, I'm Margo! I've harnessed my superpowers to become a money coach, driven by my own personal finance journey and the need I see within the other holistic, paradigm-shifting communities I serve. With a passion for getting people organized and inspired about their money, I'll guide you through the birth of your budget and help you tap into the power of money clarity, abundance mindset, and self-discipline. Together, we'll manifest the money you need to create a more beautiful new reality for us all.

Meet Your Money Coach

What’s Included

I offer monthly coaching packages that include everything from guided money meditations to talking about life insurance (booooriiiiiing, but important!) and everything in between.

  • 1 on 1 Support with Margo! We will light a candle, ground ourselves, maybe burn some sage, settle in and make this process as fun and meaningful as possible!

  • Set-Up of Your Unique YNAB Budget: No two budgets are the same, and we will build yours to work for you.

  • Unlimited Support Between Sessions: Text, email and Loom video support for time sensitive support.

  • Loom Videos to Demo Troubleshooting: Custom screen sharing tutorials using YOUR OWN BUDGET for any questions that come up, so that you know exactly how to work with your unique budget and circumstances (tonight I got back to a client with a 10 minute long Loom video using her actual budget within the hour when she had an emergency YNAB question!)

  • Accountability and Habit Building around the 6 YNAB habits, so they become part of your regular routine.

  • Debt Paydown + Breaking the Paycheck to Paycheck Cycle Strategies (if needed): We will run and crunch the numbers and it will maybe even be fun and feel good!

  • Three free months of YNAB instead of the usual one.

  • Access to my private group on Facebook :)

Packages and Pricing

The first month on onboarding and YNAB Set Up includes 4 weekly coaching calls and unlimited text, email and Loom video support to get you fully set up using YNAB.

This is an INTENSIVE experience and usually uncovers lots of mystery spending (I often save people a lot of money in this short window!), radically reorients you to more mindfulness about your money, and helps us see how your money archetype and mindset is playing out in real time.

We cover simplifying account structure, understanding cashflow, creating a unique budget template, setting your targets and goals (including your big dreams!), and solidifying day to day budgeting habits.

First Month - YNAB Set Up

  • 4 Coaching Calls (60 min)

  • Individualized YNAB Set Up Support

  • Unlimited Text, Email + Loom

Total Investment: $999

P.S. I will likely save you way more than that and deliver you other priceless results in our time working together.

After the onboarding month (or if you have skipped set up because you already were YNAB-ing) we switch to ongoing monthly coaching, which includes 1 focused video coaching session a month plus unlimited text, email and Loom support.

Clients find this really supportive in cementing their new money habits long term, getting regular 1 on 1 troubleshooting support and accountability, working through more limiting money mindsets, working on new financial goals and concepts, and generally “leveling up”.

Ongoing Monthly Coaching (optional)

  • 1 Coaching Call (45 min)

  • YNAB Troubleshooting

  • Loving Accountability

  • More Advanced Financial Literacy and Wellness Concepts

  • Unlimited Text, Email + Loom

Total Investment: $222 a month

**Some clients jump in with this instead of the more intensive first month, but only if their YNAB skills are advanced enough.

What’s next?

Whether you are sure you want to work together, or are totally skeptical but want to chat and get a few easy wins for free, your next step is to book a call with me where we can get a sense of where you’re at money-wise, what help you need, and if I’m able to be that support that for you. I only work with people who are willing to put in work, not make excuses, and be present and ready for the duration of our sessions.

What People Are Saying

“I have felt a huge shift in my life financially. For once I am making better decisions, I am aware of where my money is going, and I’m feeling a sense of ease and confidence - all thanks to you!!!”

— Aubrey